Eleventy The possum is Eleventy’s mascot

Eleventy Documentation

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Mat Marquis #

Mat Marquis’s Sites: #

redsesame’s twitter avatarEveryday Information Architecture“The creative organization of information creates new information,” wrote architect Richard Saul Wurman. This axiom is at the core of our work. When we organize information—that is, when we structure it, order it, display it, label it, connect it—we alter it. We change how information will be perceived, for better or for worse.
Screenshot of https://everydayia.com
wilto’s twitter avatarI’m Mat. I make websites.My name is Mat “Wilto” Marquis, and I make websites.
Screenshot of https://hire.wil.to/
wiltomakesfood’s twitter avatarWilto Makes FoodThe professional cooking site of Mat Marquis.
Screenshot of https://wiltomakesfood.com/